A house boy identified as Chigozie Dike has allegedly cut off the manhood of his madam’s aged father, with the intention of using it for money ritual.
Sources said the incident happened in Amaenyi, Awka, the Anambra State capital.
It was gathered that the 20-year-old house boy was brought by his madam to tend to her aged father.
A source who availed Dailypost of a video recording of members of the family, said the boy has barely worked for a month before he killed the old man.
A write up which accompanied the video read: “This boy by name Chigozie Dike is a houseboy, of 20yrs old. He came barely a month ago to stay and take care of his madam’s father at Amaenyi, Awka, Anambra state.“Yesterday, 8th November 2023, when the madam left for her restaurant business, he put on their generator to avoid people hearing his evil plans, then took matchet and butchered the madam father including his manhood for ritual and ran away.“The father has been rushed to Amaku hospital, Awka. The boy is on the run now, anybody that see him should kindly report to the nearest police station.”
When the online paper contacted the Anambra State Police Command’s spokesperson, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, he confirmed the incident, saying the suspect has been apprehended, and was now in police custody.